IELTS Writing Correction Service

Have your IELTS Essay or Graph checked by an IELTS expert
Fully online

What's included in IELTS Writing correction

Band Score

Estimated Band for your essay (or graph) + suggestions on how to improve it

Сorrections of Mistakes

You'll have your grammar, vocabulary, punctuation and all other mistakes corrected

Structure and Paragraphing

Detailed feedback on your essay: what is good and what needs your attention

An expert’s report on the 4 IELTS Writing marking criteria

In IELTS your writing is assessed against the 4 criteria below
Task Achievement & Response
How appropriately, accurately and relevantly your answer meets the requirements of the task
Coherence & Cohesion
How you organise and link information and ideas
Lexical Resource
The range of vocabulary you use: variety, synonyms, less common collocations
Grammatical Range & Accuracy
Variety of tense forms, the range and accurate use of grammar structures

How does it work?


Pricing plan

Choose the suitable pricing plan: how many essays would you like to be checked?


Make an online payment


Choose the task(s) from these two documents below or choose your own task

If you already have a written answer, make payment and send us your work via e-mail []

Please send a typed version of your answer like MS-word, .pdf, etc. or any text file.
No handwritten works please.


Write your essay

You can do it under the exam conditions: 20 minutes for Task 1 and 40 minutes for Task 2 = 60 minutes. This way we will be able to give you a more accurate Band score and feedback.

Send your essay to us

Send your typed essay to [] for assessment.

Get your corrected and evaluated version

You will get your personalized checked task with recommendations, notes, highlighted mistakes and comments on 4 marking criteria + Band score that you can get for this particular answer at the real exam.

Correction samples

Who checks my essay?

IELTS expert from 2012

- Regular group and individual classes specialized in IELTS preparation from 2012


- Taking IELTS several times, with the overall band 8.5 (9.0 for speaking part)

CELTA and DELTA Certificates

- All modules of DELTA international diploma, with the right of teaching English in schools and colleges all over the world

CELTA Trainer

- Trainer of English teachers on CELTA courses

14 years of experience

- Overall experience in teaching English – 14 years

IELTS Speaking for Success Podcast

- Host and content creator at IELTS Speaking for Success Podcast


MA in English Teaching, CELTA, DELTA full diploma

Methodology development; teachers training

- English teachers training, workshops on IELTS preparation at schools and colleges. Masterclasses at international conferences (e.g. IATEFL 2018 in Liverpool)

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a list of topics and tasks?
We wil send two lists of IELTS Writing Academic (Task 1 & Task 2) to choose from; or you can download them from here
Please inform us if you are going to take General Module.
You can either choose the task from our lists or use your own.

Pricing Plans

1 Task

  • Academic or General module
  • Graph / Letter / Essay
  • Checked within 1-2 days

3 Tasks

  • Academic or General module
  • Graph / Letter / Essay
  • Checked within 3-4 days