If you want to get a decent score for IELTS Reading, it will be useful for you to get familiar with the tasks format of this part and understand what is required from you so you do not spend valuable time trying to understand the task at the real exam.
The next step for you is to understand the difference between the types of tasks: in which tasks you need to pay attention to the author’s point of view and where to focus on the facts.
Then you need to practice a lot by reading similar texts and by completing IELTS Reading assignments.
IELTS Reading General tasks types
We highlight the keywords in the questions and look for answers in the text. Questions can be related to specific information: dates, what, where, when, etc.
This task is harder:
To complete this task, we read all the paragraphs, look for the main idea and the corresponding heading.
Brief summary of paragraph / paragraphs. Be prepared that big part of the text can be rephrased
How to master IELTS Writing: Task 1 & Task 2
14 lessons / 7+ hours of video content
- How to write an answer to ANY type of Essay task
- How to write an answer to ANY type of Graph task
- How to structure your answer
- What to write in each paragraph
- What grammar to use
- How to link your ideas
- What vocabulary to use
- What you should write to get a high score